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Ta-ra For Now Liverpool

Where has the time gone?

I feel like I’ve totally neglected this blog, so here goes…

A lot has happened since Scotland. I went to Amsterdam last weekend, which was beyond sick.

Mainly, I’ve gotten too attached to Liverpool and more attached to the place that I spend 8 hours a day

5 days a week in and the people that surround it. I’m sitting at my desk at work for the last time, and

I can’t help but feel extremely sad. I’ve presented my research at my social enterprise today and I

can’t help but feel genuinely happy knowing what I’ve accomplished with this research that I’ve

worked hard on and knowing that my colleagues have liked my research and will benefit from it.

These last few weeks have been amazing, allowing me to finally travel to places I’ve never been and

experience new things. This whole experience has allowed me to grow both professionally but most

importantly personally. I’m finding it hard to write this blog because words can’t really explain how

thankful I’m feeling for having met the people I have met in Liverpool. Talking to others in the

program I know I’m not the only one feeling this way and that makes me feel a bit better knowing

that others know how I’m feeling. It’s super bittersweet, maybe a lot more bitter though.

Being here this summer and experiencing my first professional work setting has got me thinking

about what’s next for me. I start my last year of university in 2 weeks and I don’t know what’s next.

I’d love to come back to the UK and either further my studies or do something similar like I have this


On a happier note, I’m going back home with a whole bunch of British tea, and coffee mugs from my

placement, Scotland, Liverpool and Amsterdam. I’m also leaving with a bag full of British goodies like

Walker’s “crisps” more British tea, Jaffa cakes, and Cradbury chocolate that Carolyn thought I should

take to have a little taste of the UK back home.

Apparently, Everton FC is “the people’s club,” and I’m officially leaving Liverpool being a Blue not a

Red. My colleague Shirley had to make sure I was a blue, so I’m leaving with lots of Everton goodies.

I’m also leaving with a “learn yer Scouse” book because obviously living in Liverpool for 10 weeks has

made me “propa Scouse” and Carol thought I needed to learn all the lingo.

Most of all, I’m leaving Liverpool having fulfilled one of the best experiences of my life, lots of

memories, and friends that I will never forget…..

Though I’m sad to be leaving Liverpool, I’m excited to head to York and get back with the SSIM crew

to share all the good stories we’ve had this summer.

(coming from a Brit: I make a boss cuppa tea and a mean cuppa coffee).

We ended my last day by going to see the famous Iron Men at Crosby Beach....

These are just some of the amazing people that I got to know over my 10 weeks with FRC Group.

I’’ll see ya later Liverpool because it’s DEFFINITELY not goodbye….

Who Are We?

We are the first cohort of the Students for Social Impact program!

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