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Life lessons

I’ve grown more in 2months at Potluck than in however many years in education. There are a few things I am really learning from people here.

1) Nobody can save the world

2) Listening is the most important part of running a social enterprise.

3) Life and business is all risks and there is no secret formula that anyone is going to reveal to me

4) Self care is essential

5) Perception is beautiful. We all have different voices and different eyes and they are all wonderful.

6) Support, resources and guidance is what people need- not help

7) Alot of people just want their lives to mean something. They want to be loved and they see more to this world than monetary wealth

8)Community does not have to be that which a government official tells you is society

9) We all have the ability to make a change to somebodies life

10) Everything you do is temporary but absolutely important, as you can see through the evolution of Potluck and its movement through ED’s

Who Are We?

We are the first cohort of the Students for Social Impact program!

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