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Loving the British Life

Work, travel, drink tea, eat, sleep. That just about sums up my life here in the UK, in that order.

Work - So far, my summer here at PM Training has been nothing short of amazing. Now that the first few weeks have passed, the business operations have become familiar and I genuinely feel like part of the team. I've plunged into some recruitment and promotion projects for the organization. With minimal business experience, my intention is to focus on the skills that I bring in order to maximize my contribution. That being said, I have learned so much in the past few weeks. Upon arrival, I admit, I couldn't even get the photocopier to work. Someone had to take time out of their busy schedule just to give me a photocopying lesson.

Ten weeks may seem like a long time, but not when there is so much work to be done. To date, I have assisted in drafting an updated learner recruitment strategy. It is essential that all staff members are engaged in reaching recruitment targets to keep PM Training running. It's amazing to see how much of a difference PM makes in the lives of young people. It's more than education, it's a life changing experience. In an effort to branch out and explore further avenues, a social media pilot project has been initiated which will be assessed throughout the summer. To shake things up a little, I've been involved in numerous outings such as school presentations, networking lunches, and road show events. There's rarely a dull moment at PM Training.

Travel - My longing to explore the world is uncontainable, especially when I'm living in the UK where a lifetime of travel still wouldn't be sufficient to see everything there is to see. Weekends are no longer a time to relax. Instead I'm always heading somewhere on the train with camera and map in hand. My favorite destination so far has been Edinburgh, without a doubt. I've never seen a city with such rich history and stunning architecture. Dublin is a close second though. Oh and there's Chester, Tutbury, Balmoral.....I've lost track.

Drink Tea - My tea intake has increased exponentially, thanks to the unlimited tea supply at the office. My David's Tea collection has always been an integral part of uni residence life. I'd have a mug full maybe 3 times a week. Now it's pretty much 3 times a day. I've discovered that Stoke-on-Trent's main industry was pottery so there's no short supply of fancy mugs and teapots. Gotta love the British life.

Eat - Cost of living is definitely well beyond what I'm accustomed to in Canada. I've gotten good at looking for deals at the local supermarkets.

Sleep - The previous 4 items on my list leave very little time for sleep. Unfortunately it's essential for survival.

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We are the first cohort of the Students for Social Impact program!

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