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'Tra Tra'

"So, how are you doing with the scouse accent?." That seems to be the question I keep getting from everyone. My answer: Not so great. I keep finding myself saying "pardon?" until I just give up and just nod and smile hoping that will answer their question. Week three at work basically included researching, following the 2015 summer budget (which was just ridiculous), and me learning some ‘scouse’ words. That’s what we call people from Liverpool. It all started when I thought one of my colleague's kept ending phone calls with ‘ta ta,’ when really he was saying ‘tra tra.’ It’s safe to say it’s my new favourite scouse word and will be using it for the rest of my weeks here in England. Rewind back to last weekend though, when I was the ULTIMATE tourist.

Last week, I took the train to Euston station to meet up with my old high school friend Jasmine. We went straight into town until we were caught in the middle of a massive thunderstorm. Even though it was pouring, the rain and lightening didn’t stop me from visiting Piccadilly Circus and taking a picture with a famous red telephone booth.

A few hours later, I found myself waking up at 4 am, putting on my ‘wellies,’ and walking to Primrose Hill to catch the sun rise, and later walking all around Regent’s Park enjoying the beautiful scenery and the pure, fresh morning air. After a busy day of visiting St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, Tower bridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben AND the London Eye, we ended back at my friend’s house with me jumping all over the place watching the FIFA Copa America final between Chile and Argentina. Me being patriotic about where I was born, I was nothing but ecstatic when we went over-time and Chile won it's first cup in all of our history. It’s safe to say that I am now in Love with the City of London but I was happy to be going back ‘home’ to Liverpool after an amazing weekend.

Keep checking back on my posts where I'm sure i'll be adding more scouse words to my vocabulary, and hopefully be able to understand the thick accent a little bit better!

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